PHP Code:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <exception>
using namespace std;
class x_array {
//////////////////////////// constructor for int
x_array (int n = 10)
if (n<= 0)
throw string ("Impossibile allocare byte richiesti");
catch (string error){
cout << error << endl;
pointer = new int [n];
catch (bad_alloc & error) {
cout << error.what() << endl;
size = n;
///////////////////////////////// constructor with copy
x_array ( x_array & source)
size = source.get_size();
pointer = new int [size];
catch (bad_alloc & error) {
cout << error.what() << endl;
for (int i= 0;i< size;i++){
*(pointer+i) = *(source.get_pointer() + i);
///////////////////////////////// deconstructor
~x_array (){
delete[] pointer;
///////////////////////////// other functions
////////////////////// size of array
int get_size(){
return size;
////////////////////// get address of the object
const x_array * get_address(){
return current_address;
////////////////////// get address of the allocated array
const int * get_pointer(){
return pointer;
//////////////////////// fill array
void fill_array (){
int i;
cout << "Enter " << size << " values" << endl;
for (i=0;i<size;i++){
cin >> *(pointer +i);
////////////////////// print array
void print_array(){
int i;
cout << "Size = " << get_size() << endl;
for ( i = 0 ; i < size ; i++ ) {
cout << *(pointer +i) << endl;
///////////////////////////// overload operators
///////////////overload = with truncate
x_array & operator= (x_array & source){
int i= 0;
if (this->size == source.get_size()) {
for (i= 0;i< size;i++){
*(pointer+i) = *(source.get_pointer() + i);
} else {
int common;
if (this->size > source.get_size()){
common = source.get_size();
for (i= 0;i< common;i++){
*(pointer+i) = *(source.get_pointer() + i);
for (i= common ; i<size ;i++){
*(pointer+i) = 0;
common = this->size;
for (i= 0;i< common;i++){
*(pointer+i) = *(source.get_pointer() + i);
return *this;
//////////////////////// overload () = print integers between positions specified
void operator() (int begin, int end){
int total = ( end - begin) +1;
for (int i= 0;i<total;i++){
cout << (*(pointer+(begin + i))) << endl;
int size;
int * pointer;
const x_array * const current_address;
///////////////////////////////// non-member operators overload
int main (){
x_array obj1(5); // create an object with 5 elements of type int
obj1.fill_array(); // fill the object array with user input
obj1(1,3); // print int between the 1 and 3 (array indexes)
x_array obj2(3);
obj1=obj2; // copy ints from onj2 to obj1. obj1 is bigger so latest entries will be 0
obj1.print_array(); // print onj1 after the copy
return 0;